

Selena Corps, West Squad
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“Selena Corps. A well known female who had served the army as sniper. Joined in 2017, currently serving as member in Hawk Batallion. An elite with 99% accuracy. Her last mission was to search and eliminate refugees in Western forest. The headqarters lot contact with the batallion abot 3 weeks ago, and rescue/exterminator teams were sent to fetch them, but no one found. She is reliable and strong, so the possibility that this message is true is almost 100% certain.”

General Raimhart was listening to his assistant’s report concerning the Lieutenant Selena Corps, the sender of an urgent message sent the day before. This message was supposedly a secret known onlt to elite army members, but somehow, the first content ‘they can’t die’ were leaked to regular soldiers. Within hours, almost everyone in the headquarters were talking about it. Those who were sent to burn the North Forest and facillity were reliving the nightmare they faced during the task. More than one had seen the creatures there, who looked like dead people, yet moving and attacking each other. The soldiers become nervous, wary about where they were going to be sent and what will they face.The words, “they can’t die” created assumption that there were enemies that could not be killed.

The Western army’s superiors wese debating whether this message is authentic from Selena Corps. More importantly, what will they react to this message. They know they were supposed to send troops to burn the West Forest but it was clear that they are facing numerous zombies; and even if the ones were eliminated, there were no guarantee that they would not appear elsewhere in the planet. Moreover, Selena Corps might become useful in providing information on how to survive, maybe to eliminate the zombies.

Then it was decided. The army contacted Selena Corps and arranged a meeting point within one day after her next reply to evacuate her. Three batallion of army with fire weapons were also sent along with special forces. The plan was simple: evacuate Selena Corps, get information from her about whereas the zombie’s location, extinguish them then return to base safely. She did not answered the first time they tried to contact her. After two days, the reply was short: “Roger”.

The troops were ready. The General himself greeted the departing soldiers, trying to increase their moral, for he understands that they were nervous about fighting the undeads. He felt very lucky to have soldiers who were bot easily panicked; they were trained hard for these critical moments.

Selena Corps, West Squad
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The troops arrived when it was already dark. The special forces consisting 24 soldiers went to the meeting point, for the whole troops were too large to land in the forest. They were supposed to burn the zombie area from above. But there were no signs of her. They had to wait for her to come.

About 2 hours after arriving, when it was past midnight, they heard ruffles and running footsteps. A person was running fast toward the meeting point. The special forces tensed, wondering if it’s Selena or not. The running person spotted one soldier standing silently under a tree nearest to her, showing white fabric tied to both upper arms – a sign to recognise Selena Corps, a request from headquarter- then stopped. She looked dirty, her uniform were torn in some places. They come to her aid and then started to escort her to the landing point.

Selena Corps, West Squad
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But they were not alone. A group of dead soldiers were running fast to their direction. They fought their way out from the forest, only 5 survived, including Selena Corps.

There were no time to mourn. Soon as they reached the helicopters, Selena informed the critical location where Zombies gather. The area was very wide and they had to burn the forest dowm, almost entirely. 

This is the start of a new war.

The images are myows online copyright protection

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